A Taghazout morning.

The thrill of a dawn patrol surf. To wake up and come outside when the moon is still up in the sky, the beaches are still dark and you have the promise of empty swell. The coldness of the night is still licking your face while you’re driving along the coastline. It’s such a pure moment, just you and the sea the road and the search.

We went with one of Morocco’s most accomplished surfers, Maryam El Gardoum on a sunrise trip to search for waves. Talking about inspiring female salty souls, this lady is definitely one to follow.

We took the car and drove up till desert point, the surf spot you can see in the back of the pictures. Which is a great hidden gem good for surfers of all experience level. The perfect off the beaten track location along the Taghazout coastline.


We are pop-up ready !


Surfing with friends !